Succes Holidayparcs
Facilities De Scherpenhof


Facilities at Recreation Park De Scherpenhof

A stay at Recreation Park and Marina De Scherpenhof means an active and sportive vacation. The park has all kinds of facilities for young and old. Visit our facilities and see for yourself.

💡 During the Dutch school vacation and weekends, you can use our excellent facilities without a limit. Outside of that, the facilities are not open or are open only to a limited extent.

Swimming & sauna

  • Indoor pool
  • Outdoor pool
  • Indoor and outdoor paddling pool
  • Sauna and steam bath (only on request)
  • Recreational lake with sunbathing lawn and beach

Food & drinks

  • Cafeteria
  • Café De Saloon
  • Recreational hall De Bogenzaal
  • Restaurant De Steenoven

Please note that some facilities are subject to a fee.

Sport & play

  • Tennis lawns
  • Table tennis table
  • Bowling lanes
  • Game hall


  • Kids' Club Holly (during Dutch holiday periods)
  • Indoor play paradise Play City
  • Outdoor playground with play equipment
  • Chill zone


  • Marina on the IJssel
  • Banquet hall for up to 250 people
  • Launderette
  • Bike rental
  • Convenience store